Kyivlinza - retail, e-commerce
Kyivlinza is a multi-channel optical retailer offering a range of products including contact lenses, eyeglasses, frames, and accessories.
The primary product category for online sales is contact lenses.
The company operates in a competitive market, competing for the attention of the target audience alongside numerous multi-channel retailers and online stores.
Our goal: continuous growth in online sales.
Київлінза та UAMASTER почали співпрацю в 2017 році, і продовжують її до сьогодні. За цей час ми провели багато успішних рекламних кампаній і забезпечили щорічне зростання продажів.
Наш фокус: постійна оптимізація рекламних кампаній для підвищення коефіцієнта конверсії та ROI.
Kyivlinza and UAMASTER initiated their collaboration in 2017 and continue to work together to this day. Over this period, we have executed numerous successful advertising campaigns, ensuring annual sales growth.
Our focus: continuous optimization of advertising campaigns to increase conversion rates and ROI.
Digital tools
- Google Ads: Search, Shopping, GDN, Video Ads.
- Facebook Ads: advertising on Facebook and Instagram.
- TikTok Ads: video advertising.
- Web Analytics.
- Other tools, including teaser advertising.
We began our collaboration in 2017. Initially, there was a lot of setup work, the results of which can be seen only in the long run. We are focusing on increasing the conversion rate and average order value.
The long-term development strategy has proven itself, and we have achieved sustainable growth in transactions and conversion rates.
Dynamics from 2016 to 2020 in terms of the number of transactions and conversion rate.

During the period of collaboration with UAMASTER, from 2016 to 2020, the Kyivlinza online store achieved a four-fold increase in sales.
Results 2020 vs 2019.
When a team has been working on a project for several years, finding new solutions that can significantly improve results becomes challenging because all the obvious growth opportunities have already been utilized.
To continue growing in 2020, the Kyivlinza team focused on assortment management and implemented new technical solutions on the website to enhance the user experience (UX).
The UAMASTER team continued to optimize advertising campaigns, including the implementation of new solutions for DSA (Dynamic Search Ads) and shopping campaigns, thereby increasing the effectiveness of Facebook Ads campaigns.
Comparison of Metrics 2020 vs. 2019
+ 21,0%
increase in advertising budget
+ 24,4%
growth in transaction rate
+ 30,4%
growth in the number of transactions